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General SVR Telegram Channel Reports About Putin s Death

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‘General SVR’ Telegram Channel Reports About Putin’s Death

'General SVR' Telegram Channel Reports About Putin's Death


  • 26.10.2023, 23:46
  • 117,394

The channel reports that the coup d’état is allegedly taking place in the Russian Federation now.

Major Russian “General SVR” telegram channel has reported the death of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Rumours about Putin’s doppelgangers, as well as about his fatal illness, have been circulating for years, so one should be cautious about such news. There are no confirmations or denials of this information from more reliable sources yet.

“Attention! At the moment there is an attempted coup d’état in Russia! Russian President Vladimir Putin died tonight at his residence in Valdai. At 20.42 Moscow time, doctors stopped resuscitation and stated death. Now the doctors are blocked in the room with Putin’s corpse, they are being held by the President’s security officers on the personal orders of Dmitry Kochnev, who is in touch with and receives instructions from Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council. The security of the President’s doppelganger has been reinforced. Active negotiations are underway. Any attempt to present the double as President after Putin’s death is a coup d’état,” reads the message of the telegram channel.

The “General SVR” telegram channel appeared in 2020, it has almost 400 thousand subscribers. The channel is run on behalf of a former general of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and publishes allegedly insider information about Russian President Vladimir Putin and his entourage. The well-known Russian political analyst Valery Solovey has repeatedly referred to the publications of this channel. According to the anonymous “112” Telegram channel, the political scientist also conducted streamings with “former SVR General Viktor”.

Valery Solovey is a historian by education, doctor of historical sciences. In 2007-2019, he worked at the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at MGIMO. In 2019, Solovey left MGIMO. According to him, the university refused to continue co-operation with him, saying that he was conducting “anti-state propaganda” and “undermining political stability”.

Solovey is known for his statements about Russian politicians and predictions, which are often perceived as conspiracy theories. In 2016, he predicted the introduction of restrictions on travelling from Russia. In 2020, he spoke of the imminent resignation of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Solovey also suggested that Vladimir Putin had Parkinson’s disease and said that the Russian political elite was into the occult.


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