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Hidden Google: 10 Fun Search Tricks

Sometimes, not even Google can resist the opportunity to pull off a classic Dad joke, and they don’t come cheesier than this next trick.

The 11 hidden Google tricks and searches that you need to test out

It’s 2019 and Google is everywhere, there’s no getting away from it.

Nearly all of our online activity goes through the search engine giant at some point, whether it be searching for news or asking it a question you’re too cautious to ask someone in person.

It can help find out the answer to (almost) anything it is asked using its unique web of algorithms and in the 21 years since its invention, there probably isn’t a question that hasn’t been asked of it.

But as well as its practical functions, it holds a few hidden tricks up its virtual sleeve to surprise us.

Searching for certain words will spring Google into life through an entertaining set of results or a small added feature.

We’ve listed our favourites below, a few of which are classics, but some are more recent additions – get a new tab open (don’t close us down, obviously) and have a bit of fun putting these in.

Today’s top stories

1. Googling ’tilt’ or ‘askew’

This is an easy one. Simply get onto your Google browser and type in either ’tilt’ or ‘askew’.

Hit search and watch as your search engine moves into a slight sideways tilt.

It can make everything look a little blurry, but it looks cool, so who are we to judge. Just move your head a bit to the side to read everything properly. Warning: Might cause neck ache.

2. ‘Google gravity’

Obviously, we’ve all searched ‘Google gravity’ and hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’, right?

Well, if you haven’t, then give it a try and watch in horror as your search engine comes tumbling to the bottom of your screen, landing in a heap of letters at the bottom.

You can actually continue to use Google as normal while everything is slumped in a pile, but it might be a bit trickier than usual.

This could be a good trick to play on a work colleague or friend if they’ve left their computer unattended.

3. Search ‘anagram’

Sometimes, not even Google can resist the opportunity to pull off a classic Dad joke, and they don’t come cheesier than this next trick.

Searching for the word ‘anagram’ will, as normal, bring up all the results you’d expect: dictionary definitions, Wikipedia, anagram solvers etc.

But look above all of that for a subtle, but excellently executed, joke that is worth at least a chuckle.

Google will throw up and ask you: ‘Did you mean: nag a ram’.

4. ‘Find Chuck Norris’

This one is another example of the Google tech-heads using their coding prowess to nail a popular culture reference.

And to be fair, it’s quite an elaborate stunt.

The running joke across the internet of Chuck Norris and his apparent level of invincibility has been well documented by scores of memes and satirical quips.

Such is the humour surrounding the American martial artist that Google has got involved, too.

Typing ‘find Chuck Norris’ into the search engine and hitting ‘I’m feeling lucky’ throws up an entertaining reply.

Google gives some wise words and suggestions for users.

It reads in part: “Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.”

5. ‘Do a barrel roll’

Surely everyone’s heard of this trick by now? It was viral upon discovery and almost certainly showed to every school classroom and office across the country.

If by some bizarre set of circumstances you haven’t seen the barrel roll trick – perhaps you’ve been locked in a cupboard for years – here’s how to do it.

It’s so simple; all you need to do is type in ‘do a barrel roll’ and search. Then just watch in awe as Google takes you *literally* for a spin.

Definitely one of the more exciting hidden gems Google has to offer, that’s for sure.

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6. Thanos

This trick is ridiculously cool for anyone, but especially for any Marvel film lovers.

A nod to Thanos, the fictional super villain of the Avengers saga, is one of the more interactive hidden offerings Google has.

Anyone well acquainted with the Marvel films will know the reference of Thanos snapping his fingers and wiping out half of the world’s population.

Naturally, with Google being Google, they’ve designed a way to do exactly that to their own site.

If you search ‘Thanos’, the normal list of results will appear. There are about 77,100,000 of them.

In the right-hand bar will be a short biography, accompanied by a small, clickable graphic of his ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ from the films.

Click on that and it’ll animate to show the fingers snapping.

At that point, Google shows you exactly half of those near 77 million results evaporating before your eyes, leaving the landing page bare.

Undeniably worth a try.

7. Flip a coin

Obviously, no one carries coins around anymore in the Apple Pay-ing, contactless world we now live in.

Luckily, Google has designed a way for us to settle 50/50 decisions in the absence of any shrapnel.

All you need to do is whack ‘flip a coin’ into the search engine and hit enter, then it’ll decide your fate. If you don’t like the decision, there’s a ‘flip again’ option.

That’s 2019 for you.

8. Roll a dice

Much like the previous one, Google will also help you out if you’re ever in need of a dice roll.

What’s more is that you can pick from a four, six, eight, ten, twelve and twenty sided object, so the options are fairly extensive.

Could be a lifesaver if the dice for your board game ever goes missing.

9. Bletchley Park

As a nod to the code-breaking Bletchley Park, Google has added a little tribute to the World War Two landmark.

If you search for it, you may notice that the estate’s name on the right side of the screen appears as a jumbled series of letters, before setting itself back to normal.

Clever, and a nice touch to the top secret codebreakers.

10. Wizard of Oz

Here’s another one that involves a couple of clicks, but is definitely worth it.

Should you Google ‘Wizard of Oz’, the right hand side of the landing page will show a glittering pair of ruby slippers next to a brief synopsis and some photographs from the film.

Click on them and the heels will click together, much like a virtual Dorothy, before whisking the search engine back in time.

The screen is darkened and the red slippers replaced with a spinning tornado.

Don’t worry though. To get back to normal, just click the tornado.

11. Friends

Some may say we’ve saved the best until last. At least, Friends fans will.

Much like the interactive bits for Thanos and the Wizard of Oz, each Friends character has their own clickable content, all being a reference to one of their iconic moments.

Google each of their names and click on the animated symbol on the right hand side to see what each character has as theirs.

For Ross Geller, his Google skit is, obviously, themed around a sofa and the famous ‘PIVOT’ scene.

Chandler Bing has his beloved reclining chair that hatches a chick and a duck when clicked on.

Clicking through for Rachel Green redirects you to a Google Images search for ‘The Rachel’ bobbed haircut.

Monica Geller has a sponge pop out to make sure everything is sparkling clean, just as she’d like.

There’s a pizza slice for Joey Tribbiani which, when clicked, sprouts out a number of other bits of food before they’re eventually all swept up by his hands.

Lastly, Phoebe Buffay has a guitar and a ‘smelly cat’, obvs.

Hidden Google: 10 Fun Search Tricks

T his is where the intro normally goes, but let’s be honest with each other about the nature of this relationship. You’re going to skip right over this part, skim the big, bold headlines, and maybe click on a handful of the blue links. There’s a chance you’ll be mildly amused but you’ll most likely blast a quick puff of air out your nostrils, annoyed that you’ve already seen most or all of these tricks before. You’ll eventually click away to some other site and we’ll never see each other again. We’ll always have this post, though. Thanks for the memories.

Do a Barrel Roll

Search for “do a barrel roll” without the quotes, and hold onto your desk for dear life. Cool, eh? Maybe you’re even a little nauseous.

But the old barrel roll trick isn’t the only Easter egg Google has up its sleeve. Here are several others:


If you’re obsessive and/or compulsive, this trick isn’t going to sit well with you for long. Search for “tilt” without the quotes. Searching for “askew” accomplishes the same end-result.

Change it back! Change it ba-aaack!

Big Answers to Mind-Bending Questions

Search for “answer to life, the universe, and everything” and you’ll get your answer. It’s a real thinker. Of course, Douglas Adams fans knew the answer without having to search for it.

Did You Mean…

Search for “anagram“—did you mean nag a ram? Or try searching for “recursion” instead. Did you mean recursion? Did you mean recursion? Did you mean recursion? Did you mean recursion? You meant recursion, right?

“As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way!”

It’s a Festivus MIIIRACLE! Google “Festivus,” and once you’ve taken in the wonder of this Google Easter egg, feel free to participate in the Airing of Grievances here in the comments section or indulge in the Feats of Strength with a family member, friend, enemy or stranger at your earliest convenience.

Zerg Rush

An homage to StarCraft, search Google “Zerg Rush” and prepare to protect your search results from a bunch of hungry Google O’s. Click them before they eat all your results. Hurry! Why are you still reading this?!

Blink HTML

Search for “Blink HTML” and OH SWEET BABY J, MY EYES! Brings back some fond memories of simpler web-based times though, doesn’t it? Just needs Bittersweet Symphony auto-playing as a MIDI file.

Party Like It’s 1998

As long as we’re going old-school with blink tags, want to see what Google looked like in 1998? Believe it or believe it, all you have to do is search for “Google in 1998” and you’ll be whisked away. Clicking the initial search results will return the archived versions of those pages, too.

Shake It

While we’re on YouTube, type “Do the Harlem Shake” into the search bar. Ah, memories of a meme from a couple years ago.

Try searching YouTube for these ones, too:

Break It

You can play a game of Breakout, wherein search results from Google Images morph into breakable bricks. Just search for “Atari Breakout” and click the Images tab or go straight to and search for “Atari Breakout” there.

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